Business Information


“Energy costs reduced by 30% without capital investment!” 16 years of energy-saving consulting, with a proven track record of implementation in 600+ organisations.

Our method establishes a model with guaranteed results, providing energy cost reduction through operational improvement.

Create results and savings with little stress and waste, fitting well with your company’s culture and business.

No Capital Investment Required. Our training program is designed for workers in fields of manufacturing and services which use energy in their operations.

Consultants will discuss what true energy savings exist and work together to achieve optimum benefits.  Training is done to acquire skills, develop eyes to see the energy savings, the know-how, and build the required skillset in “your company”.

Soft ESCO is an energy saving service that guarantees hard cash savings by reducing electricity consumption attained by optimal operation and operation with Zero Capital Investment.  Our program provides support by putting a focus on “Operation”, 1 of the 3 major elements of energy conservation. The aim is “3x return”.  The support provides hard cash energy savings, with great results every year.

Our Business

Many companies involved with production and services struggle with the issue of “Taking Knowledge and Theory and bringing it down to the shop floor”. Currently, we see many HR training programs putting emphasis on equipping people with knowledge and theory.  Implementation of bringing it down to the Gemba is left up to the trained individuals and their abilities, creating a spread in outcomes.

EcoFitness® is a training program that has developed from energy conservation.  Since much of the training takes place on the shop floor, the issue of bringing it down to the Gemba is resolved and develops strong creative thinkers that are equipped for change, creating a stronger unified organizational culture.

  Committed with a vision of “Passing down Energy and the Beautiful Earth to the next generation”, Eco Energy specializes in consultation for Energy savings with Guaranteed Results. We have had much success in helping clients cut costs by 10%-50% without making any new investments in machinery. Turning cost into profit, Eco Energy has provided tremendous cost savings in the millions, producing more profitable and sustainable operations.

At this convention we will be showcasing our EcoFitness® Training Program, primarily focusing on instructing Best Operation practices which have been known to be the most difficult in producing results for company-wide energy-savings.

Energy Savings and Best Operation Practice playing a huge role in HR Development

A common problem with HR Training that is shared amongst companies is how to get people on the shop floor in multiple departments to work together to create synergy as a group.  Maximized Energy Savings can only be accomplished when all parties, from the top executive management to the part-time worker are involved. Best Operation is known to be the most difficult of Energy Savings methods because no matter how knowledgeable or well versed in theory companies may be, it is very difficult to utilize because of the variation in Machinery, Equipment and Work Environment at each shop floor. There is a growing need for a solution for such issues both in production and service industries.

The EcoFitness® Program uses the shop floor (GEMBA) as the training ground (DOJO) where trainees can develop strong problem finding skills, foster creativity and teamwork which are the foundation of creating a strong corporate body that is adaptable for change.

By using the avenue of Energy Savings, EcoFitness® provides strong outcomes such as 1) Developing strong human resources, 2) Strengthening the entire organizational body, 3) Turning cost into profit, 4) Collect back training cost investments by money saved through energy savings, 5) Contribute to prevent global warming.  Eco Energy holds a proven track record of creating unique one-of a kind HR training material to help promote energy saving within the company.

Proven Results

 The EcoFitness® program has a proven track record of providing companies and organizations profit returns of 3 to 8.2 times the initial investment of training and consultation fees.

As the leading company that hold a wealth of knowledge and hands on experience, we at Eco Energy are constantly striving to provide better quality of life for people and a planet that can be passed on to the next generation through True Energy Saving solutions.  The program was created for that purpose and we believe can be achieved through instructing companies about Energy Efficient Best Operation methods.

A Global Concern

 As the world faces ongoing global energy issues, there is a growing interest in the reevaluation of Energy Costs, Workplace optimization (KAIZEN), restructuring of organizations and HR Development.

Overseas Services

To further provide services on a global scale, Eco Energy has partnered with Makoto Investments Co. Ltd. to provide service and training to overseas operations. Makoto Investments Company ( has continued to provide both consultancy and training services worldwide for 26 years, holds a strong and proven track record of providing sustainable workplace optimization (KAIZEN) in various operations across the globe (US, EU, Asia, UAE, Africa).

Corporate Information

Eco Energy Corporation, Ltd

President                        Toshitaka Ito

Established                      June 2002

Address                            406 Hashimoto Building 5-4-5 Asakusabashi Taito-ku

                         Tokyo 111-0053 JAPAN  Tel (03)3862-9898  Fax (03)3862-9897


Specialists include       Energy Management, Energy Savings Advisory, Tax Policy

                                           Operations Consultancy, Facilities Design & Architecture

Overseas Operations Handling Partner

Makoto Investments Corporation, Ltd 

